VR Interactive Characters (Final Pass)

 This last week I focused on finalizing the textures and making sure they looked good with the lighting in the scene. I also added more extrusion to the trim walls to make them look more realistic and added emissive materials.

Perforce Screenshot

Cannon Map Baking/Texture Painting

Materials in Unreal

Substance Painter Screenshots

Low poly mesh with baked maps

Reference Images


VR Interactive Characters (Proxy Pass)

This week my focus was on trim sheets. I used Substance Painter to mark where the indents in the wall were and used extrusions in Maya to make it pop out more. We also added sound to our game so that it's not dead silent. 


Modeling trim sheet in Maya

Substance Painter


VR Hands And Props (Final Pass)

This week I focused on fixing the torture machines to fit a minion head rather than a human head and added more meshes onto the wall to make the room feel less empty. I added some TVs as well as more tubes to fill up space on the wall. I started using normal maps to add the detail onto the wall to see what it would look like with the new meshes and focused on the values again. 

Cannon Up Res/UVs

Cannon in UE5


ZBrush Render

UV Map


VR Hands And Props (Clean Pass)

Since most of our assets were close to the actual mesh, I focused on cleaning UV's and adding value as well as metallic and roughness to the materials. I also added light fixtures for the lighting in the scene and beveled out the hard edges. I started working on texturing for the wall to get a feel for where to place things.

Final Turn In

Unreal Renders   Perforce Proof